The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


by | Dec 23, 2021

Graduation Celebration

After over a year of virtual diocesan youth ministry, the Graduation Celebration in May 2021 was our first in-person event back. Graduating seniors, their families, and other members of our diocesan youth community gathered on the labyrinth at the Cathedral of St. Philip to support our departing students and celebrate a new chapter in their lives.

Staff Transitions

After six years, Easton Davis transitioned out of youth ministry and into his new role as Canon of Communications and Digital Evangelism. On August 1, Holle Tubbs began overseeing diocesan youth ministries in her new role as Youth Missioner.

Happening 74 Retreat

In October, Happening 74 became our first in-person retreat since the onset of the pandemic. Over sixty students from across the diocese gathered at Camp Mikell for a weekend of (COVID-safe) fellowship and spiritual formation!

115th Annual Council Q&A

At the 115th Annual Council in November, some of our students joined Bishop Wright in a virtual Q&A on growing faith, leadership in the midst of a pandemic, and what we mean when we talk about evangelism.

Learn more about EYCDIOATL

Eycdioatl stands for the Episcopal Youth Community of the Diocese of Atlanta. Our EYC is a vibrant community of youth spanning over one hundred worshipping communities in Middle and North Georgia.

We believe in forming disciples by sharing the all-inclusive and unconditional love of Jesus Christ. We fulfill this purpose in worship, service, and spiritual formation at diocesan youth events. All middle and high school students are invited to be a part of this inclusive community. Together, we let the world know we love like Jesus.