The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Experience Love in Action at ReviveATL In January

by | Sep 10, 2019

Our world is hurting, so we must come together to sow the love of Jesus in a broken world. At ReviveATL, Episcopalians, friends, and seekers will open hearts, minds, and doors to the concerns of our state and country. The event will be led by Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry, the Royal Wedding Preacher, and Bishop Rob Wright of the Diocese of Atlanta. Together, we can respond to the call to serve Jesus, and to love as he does. To love the unwelcome, the disenfranchised, the lost, and the found. Presiding Bishop Curry has stirred the whole church to take its place in The Way of Love: the community of people who follow Jesus and form loving, liberating and life-giving relationships with God, their neighbors, and the environment.

ReviveATL: Love in Action, an Episcopal Church Revival will be January 22, 2020 at Morehouse College’s Forbes Arena.

Registration is now live, for guaranteed seating please register before November 1.

Don’t forget to get your ReviveATL T-Shirt to wear to the event! Available for purchase when you register.