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Evangelism Matters AudioConference Launches April 12

by | Mar 26, 2021

This spring’s Evangelism Matters conference invites participants to turn off the Zoom screen and “tune in” for an audioconference featuring podcast-style talks on the opportunity and challenge of evangelism today.

Launching on April 12, the free audioconference intentionally flips the conference format inside-out with an innovative approach to sharing, learning, and growing the ministry of evangelism among Episcopalians.

“We know people are suffering from ‘Zoom fatigue,’” said Lydia Bucklin, canon to the ordinary for Discipleship & Vitality, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan and member of the Evangelism Matters design team, “It’s great to give people the option to physically move while listening: walking the dog, doing the laundry, driving their car. They can learn, interact, and reflect when and where it’s best.”

The theme for this year’s gathering is “The Discipline of Hope,” highlighting the church’s calling to proclaim and represent hope and good news in a time of struggle and uncertainty. Presenters include:

• The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, presiding bishop of The Episcopal Church
• The Rt. Rev. Robert Wright, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta
• Ms. Elisabeth (Lisa) Kimball, associate dean of lifelong learning and James Maxwell, professor of lifelong Christian formation, Virginia Theological Seminary
• The Rev. Bao Moua, Holy Apostles Church, St. Paul, Minnesota
• The Rt. Rev. Deon Johnson, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri
• The Rev. Scott Gunn, executive director, and Ms. Miriam McKenney, director of development and mission engagement, Forward Movement
• The Rt. Rev. Rafael Morales, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Puerto Rico
• Ms. Jane Cisluycis, canon to the ordinary and operations coordinator of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan
• Ms. Jerusalem Greer, Episcopal Church staff officer for evangelism
• The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers, presiding bishop’s canon for evangelism, reconciliation, and stewardship of creation

The conference will feature eight podcast/audio episodes, six in English and two in Spanish. Each episode will contain three 18-minute talks led by leaders on evangelism and discipleship.

Those who wish to interact with the speakers in real-time are invited to join any of six weekly “Zoom Coffee Hour” facilitated conversations. These sessions will take place Thursdays at 7 PM, beginning April 15 and concluding May 20.

Now in its fourth year, Evangelism Matters aims to help the whole church – people merely interested in evangelism and those who identify as “evangelists” – to embrace the ministry and practice of evangelism.

“Our design team asked, ‘What is the Good News that participants themselves need to hear?’ and ‘What are some inspiring and innovative ways of sharing the Good News of Jesus’s great love in this particular moment?’” said Greer, “We hope this gathering feeds people with everything they need to be hope-filled, effective, Episcopal evangelists.”

Registration is free and ends on April 5. For conference information and to sign up, please click here.
A Spanish translation of the event information is available at the link above.

For additional information, contact Greer, 212-716-6219.