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Episcopal Parish Fundraising Results in Hunger-Related Grants for Toco Hills Community Alliance and St. Nicholas Episcopal Church

by | Apr 28, 2020

On March 15, 2020, the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) partnered with the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB) and local faith organizations for the 36th Annual Hunger Walk Run. Earlier that week, with COVID-19 beginning to spread in Georgia communities, ACFB made the decision to move the event online. The Hunger Walk Run is a critical fundraiser for hunger-related ministries throughout the Diocese of Atlanta, and the online fundraiser took place on March 15 with Episcopalians walking and running in their own neighborhoods.

“Each year we look forward to gathering as one Episcopal community to make strides to end hunger,” said Lindsey Hardegree, Executive Director for the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia. “While we certainly missed this year’s opportunity for fellowship and celebration, Episcopalians didn’t hesitate to continue their support for those facing hunger in our community. Despite the lack of a physical event, our fundraising efforts remained strong, and we look forward to next year when we can once again join together for this annual tradition.”

Fundraising efforts for the Hunger Walk Run continue through April 30, 2020. However, with the imminent challenge of COVID-19, ECF has chosen to move forward with distributing funds before a final fundraising total is available. To date, the immense fundraising efforts of parishes around the Diocese, ECF has received nearly $24,000 to support local hunger-related ministries and organizations. ECF is dedicated to funding opportunities for Episcopal parishes to work with their local community and nonprofits to serve the poor and oppressed. With that in mind, ECF has provided grants to the following outreach ministries:

• Toco Hills Community Alliance, who partners with St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church (Atlanta), has received a grant of $18,865 to support purchasing new equipment for the renovation of THCA’s kitchen to make it fully functional as a part of their weekly feeding ministry
• St. Nicholas Episcopal Church (Hamilton) has received a grant of $5,000 towards food distribution through Backsnacks feeding ministry

This year, Bishop Robert C. Wright issued a challenge for the Bishop’s Cup – the parish that raises the most funds for the Hunger Walk Run will receive the coveted award trophy as well as a gift of $3,500 to be used for the parish’s outreach ministries. The winner of the Bishop’s Cup will be announced this summer after all donations have been received and processed by the Atlanta Community Food Bank.

For more information about the Hunger Walk Run, including how you can create a team to support the event in 2021, please contact Lindsey Hardegree at 404.601.5362 or