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Episcopal Community Foundation Grants $63,120 to Fight Poverty and Oppression

by | Jul 14, 2020

Today the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announces it has granted $63,120 to five organizations that are lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants have been made to Agape Youth and Family Center (Atlanta), The DEO Clinic (Dalton), Family Promise of White County (Cleveland), El Refugio Ministry (Lumpkin), and William S. Davies Homeless Shelter (Rome).

“Our spring grants support communities across Georgia where Episcopalians are committed to serving the poor and oppressed in their local communities,” said Beth Howell, Vice-Chair for ECF’s Board of Directors. “Now more than ever, the demand for these services continues to grow as our country struggles with health and the economy. The Episcopal Community Foundation is thrilled to support these ministries in their important work in their communities.”

ECF’s Spring 2020 General Grant Recipients:

Agape Youth and Family Center, in partnership with St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Atlanta, has received a capacity-building grant of $10,000 to purchase social and emotional learning curriculum for their afterschool program.

Family Promise of White County, in partnership with Church of the Resurrection in Cleveland, has received a capacity-building grant of $8,292 for their ongoing community engagement efforts. This grant has been matched by a gift of $2,764 from Church of the Resurrection.

El Refugio Ministry, in partnership with St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Columbus, has received a capacity-building grant of $20,000 to continue a grant awarded in 2019 for the pilot of a new post-release program which will offer short-term accommodations for those released with asylum from the Stewart Detention Center in Lumpkin, GA.

The William S. Davies Homeless Shelter, in partnership with St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Rome, has received a capital grant of $21,108 to renovate and expand shower and laundry facilities for the homeless.

ECF’s Q3 2020 Small Acts of Charity Recipient:

The DEO Clinic, in partnership with St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Dalton, has received a capacity-building grant of $3,720 to provide bridge funding for mammograms to low-income women.

About ECF’s Grant Programs:
ECF awards General Grants twice a year and Small Acts of Charity (capped at $5,000) quarterly. Applications for the Q4 Small Acts of Charity are due September 15, 2020, and LOIs for Spring 2021 General Grants are due September 30, 2020. Those interested in applying for funding should visit for information regarding both funding opportunities as well as links to the applications. Applicants are encouraged to contact Lindsey Hardegree with any questions they may have regarding eligibility or their applications.