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A Message from Bishop Wright

by | Jul 1, 2024

Beloved in Christ, now that The 81st General Convention is adjourned, I want to share a few words with you.

The first two words are, thank you! Beth-Sarah and I have been on the receiving end of your prayers, kindness and support for thirteen years. And, we are especially grateful for your care throughout a very lengthy and intense discernment process as a candidate for Presiding Bishop. It is not an exaggeration to say that you lifted us and strengthened us as we offered ourselves for this important work.

Also, an ocean of gratitude is owed to the Bishop’s staff. For two years with the possibility of my leaving looming, they worked tirelessly despite the uncertainty. Indeed, they are partners in purpose and not partners gathered around a personality. I thank God for each member of the staff.

Clarity is my next word. Now that my discernment is complete, it is clear we are to continue bearing witness together to Jesus Christ in Middle and North Georgia. By no means did my discernment period mean I was out of ideas or energy about our work together. Rather, it has clarified for me that we must go even deeper in what it means to follow Jesus in Georgia and beyond.

Finally, my last word is vacation. Beth-Sarah and I will take our regular vacation time this July. And, I will also participate in two weeks of continuing education. In August, I will resume visitations and all the other duties that are my great privilege as your bishop.

Until then beloved, in the words of the Apostle Paul, “I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now….”

Yours in Christ,
Bishop Rob Wright