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Congratulations to Carole Maddux and Juan Sandoval

by | Dec 10, 2020

Carole and Juan were both elected for terms on the Board of the Association for Episcopal Deacons (AED). Juan Sandoval, Archdeacon for Deployment in the Diocese of Atlanta, and the Deacon for Hispanic Ministries and Pastoral Care at the Cathedral of St. Philip was elected as one of the deacons to the board for a four-year term. Carole Maddux, Archdeacon for Discernment in the Diocese of Atlanta, and deacon at St. David’s in Roswell was elected to a six-year term as Vice President/President-elect starting in March 2021.

The Association for Episcopal Deacons is the “go-to” source for information on deacon formation and supervision across The Episcopal Church. Another part of the AED’s work is bringing the deacons’ prophetic voice to the Councils of the church.

The AED’s Triennial Conferences bring together deacons and deacon supporters from the Episcopal Church and The Anglican Church of Canada to foster learning, fellowship, discussion, and action. At their last annual AED Conference, they addressed the complex issues of Latinx diaconal formation.

In 2018, close to 100 deacons actively participated in General Convention as deputies, advocates, resources, and liturgically. Deacons currently serve on church-wide task forces and other groups, including the General Convention Liturgy Planning Committee.

As a membership association of persons and dioceses within The Episcopal Church, AED works to facilitate relationships and communication among deacons and all ministers. They seek to increase the participation and involvement of all baptized persons in Christ’s diaconal ministry, especially by promoting and supporting the diaconate.

Learn more about AED at