The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

College for Congregational Development

by | Dec 17, 2019

Intensive Two-Year Program Will Train Clergy, Lay Leadership

The College for Congregational Development (CCD) is an intensive two-year program designed for teams of lay and clergy leaders to develop leadership skills for parish growth and health. CCD’s goals include helping parishes become more faithful, effective, and healthy. Based in the academic disciplines of congregational and organization development, CCD is also rooted in the identity, doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church.

CCD originated in the Diocese of Olympia and is recommended by the Office of Congregational Vitality for parishes facing significant challenges, who have also decided they are ready to do the work to change. Parishes either holding steady or thriving, but still looking for further growth, should also consider this program. Parishes going through a sudden trauma or crisis are not the best candidates for this program. The Canon for Ministry or some other consultant will assist such congregations through the crisis before they consider CCD.

Parishes considering CCD should contact The Office of Congregational Vitality to confirm they are ready to make the commitment to move forward towards vitality through CCD. The Office of Congregational Vitality will work with the existing parish leadership to find the best candidates to attend the college, which consists of two 7-day intensive, residential sessions over two consecutive summers. Please note that the training days are long, starting early in the morning, and going until after dinner, which is why our best practice is for the summer intensives to be a residential program.

Office of Congregational Vitality Contact Info:

Canon John Thompson-Quartey, Canon for Ministry:

Sally Ulrey, Assistant for Ministry & Congregational Vitality:

In partnership with congregations of the diocese, the bishop’s office will pay a portion of the tuition for parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta. The total cost of tuition (which includes room and board) is $950 per person. Tuition for participants from Diocese of Atlanta parishes is $450 per person.


August 23-29, 2020. Starts about at 2 pm on Sunday and runs until about noon on the following Saturday.

Cost includes Room, Board, Tuition, and Materials
$950 per person for those outside the Diocese of Atlanta
$450 per person for those from Diocese of Atlanta parishes

Ignatius House Jesuit Retreat Center

Parishes will send teams of 3-4, including the Rector

Register your parish teams HERE