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ChurchNext Offers More Free Courses to Grow in Christ at Home

by | Mar 17, 2020

ChurchNext is offering two free (virtual) courses: Bridging the Political Divide with Parker Palmer and Make Me an Instrument of Peace: A Guide to Civil Discourse, sponsored by the Office of Government Relations of The Episcopal Church. These courses are aimed at helping us have effective discourse across political and social divisions – modeling Christ’s teaching and instructions for us to be reconcilers.

Parker Palmer is well-known to many people — he is an internationally respected author, teacher, and activist. He is also the founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal. The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations, meanwhile, has been working on civil discourse practices for years.

These courses join another free offering called Prayer and Worship in Our Homes, a free 5-course class open to anyone who would like to take it.

In this course, you will find five classes that teach different approaches to prayer. Some focus on particular types of prayer discipline. Others talk about reaching out and praying with others, even when we’re physically isolated from one another.

You can use these classes remotely in a couple of different ways. You can either:
1. Have individuals within your parish take the course on their own, or
2. Meet in a zoom-style online classroom and take a class together. In that case, you would guide the students through the classes, opening with prayer, watching the videos together, and then offering opportunities for discussion using the course discussion questions.

Courses include:

Everyday Spiritual Practices with Keith Anderson

How to Pray with Christopher Martin

Praying with Saints with Scott Gunn and Tim Schenck

How to Pray Online with Karekin Yarian

Praying the Anglican Rosary with Suzanne Edwards-Acton