The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Celebrate the Holiday Season with Emmaus House!

by | Oct 18, 2021

There are many ways to celebrate the holidays with Emmaus House and the residents of Peoplestown.

Thanksgiving at Home 2021

Emmaus House believes celebrating the holidays together is an important factor in maintaining family ties. With your help, we will help 200 families in need enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. We seek donations of bags filled with the ingredients listed below to make all of their favorite side dishes while Emmaus House provides the turkeys and other items.

Each bag needs the following ingredients:

– 2 Cans of String Beans (English cut)
– 2 Cans of Corn
– 2 Cans of Peas
– 1 Can of Cranberry Sauce
– 1 Large Bag of Stuffing
– 1 Box of Brownie Mix
– 1 Bag of Rice (1 lb.)
– 2 Boxes of Cornbread / Muffin Mix

Please place all of the sides for each household into one large reusable canvas bag with handles. Bags may be dropped off from November 17-22.

Christmas at Emmaus House 2021

The holiday season has always been a special time at Emmaus House. For decades, parishes, friends, and organizations have donated Christmas gifts for more than 500 children in Peoplestown each year. This year we are asking individuals, churches, and organizations to provide gifts as they have in the past, using the holiday guide for suggestions. We prefer to receive presents that are unwrapped so that we may easily organize and distribute them to the community by age and gender. We welcome deliveries from December 11-19. Emmaus House will give gifts to families during the week of December 20. Thank you for your continued generosity and for helping to make the holidays brighter for a community in need.

For more information visit