The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Camp Mikell Summer Camp 2021 Announcement

by | Mar 29, 2021

Camp Mikell is excited to announce that they will be able to offer a summer program this year and are opening registration.

Just like every summer, the safety of the campers, counselors, and staff is the first priority. After much consultation with the Diocesan COVID Task Force, the staff of Camp Mikell are confident in their ability to implement new protocols based on guidelines from the CDC, the ACA, and the Diocesan COVID Task Force that will allow the camp to run in a safe manner.

Read the full announcement here.

Summer Camp Schedule 2021

All camps are Sunday – Friday.

Youth Camp
May 30 – June 4
Rising 10th graders just graduated.

Performing Arts Camp
June 6 – June 11
Rising 4th – 9th graders.

Intermediate Camp
June 20 – June 25
Rising 8th and 9th graders.

Junior Camp
June 27 – July 2
Rising 6th and 7th graders.

Work Camp
July 18 – July 23
Rising 10th graders just graduated.

The Mikell Camp and Conference Center was established in 1941 by the Right Reverend Henry Judah Mikell, Bishop of Atlanta, as a setting for Christian education and recreation for young people. Over the years, it has developed into a year-round conference center serving people of all ages in the Diocese and its parishes, as well as other groups whose purposes complement our mission.