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For People Welcomes Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick

by | Oct 12, 2023

Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick

Hope in Sorrow with Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick

If we can hold on to the God that suffers with us and transforms our pain, then the God that is with us comes through. Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick of The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i joins For People to share the impact of the recent fires on Maui and how its brought waves of shock and sorrow through the community.  Together with Bishop Wright, they the deep impact of the devastations in Maui, navigating through the shock, sorrow, and anger expressed by its people. Bishop Rob offers his unique perspective as a spiritual leader, drawing parallels from the scriptural Lamentations, and shares how the church is fostering a space for open dialogue, healing, and support in these trying times.

They discuss leadership in the face of adversity, scripture that equips us during times of sorrow, and the outpouring of love in the form of resources and letters from the mainland in the wake of the fire. God is with us in the grief! Listen in for the full conversation.

Support the disaster relief efforts in The Episcopal Diocese of Hawai‘i here.

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Bishop Bob Fitzpatrick is the fifth Bishop of The Diocese of Hawai‘i. He graduated from DePauw University, Greencastle, IN, and received a Master of Divinity degree from the General Theological Seminary, New York, NY. He also has a Doctor of Ministry degree in homiletics from Seabury-Western Theological Seminary, Evanston, IL.

He was elected as 5th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Hawaiʻi on October 20, 2006 and was ordained as Bishop on March 10, 2007.  He also serves as the Bishop-in-Charge of the Episcopal Church in Micronesia.

His wife, Bea, is a registered nurse.  He has two adult sons, a grandson, and a granddaughter.