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Beloved | Chuck’s Story

by | Nov 4, 2022

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To be beloved, is to be loved unconditionally by God. It is both knowing and receiving God. It is openness to the Spirit’s work, which leads to incredible stories worth telling.

Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

1 John 4:7

Beloved is a new series from The Offices of Communications and Digital Evangelism focused on sharing the stories of God’s beloved. These are stories of love, belonging, and seeing God in the world. It’s testimony of the heart in a broken world.

Chuck’s story of being known as beloved starts with a small church in North Georgia that eventually drove him away from the church for decades. It is a story that shows what happens when we want to make a big table for all of God’s beloved.

Chuck, and wife Stacy, are founders of Salvation South. A publication committed to sharing beloved stories of the South. Chuck worships at Holy Trinity Parish in Decatur.

Watch Chuck’s reflection with Beloved host The Rev. Ashley Carr here.