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Announcing New Podcast: A Brave Space with Dr. Meeks

by | Sep 26, 2019

The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing has launched a new podcast called A Brave Space with Dr. Meeks. The podcast will support the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing’s mission of creating brave space where the truth can be told.

Podcast episodes will explore various topics that address the intersections between slavery, lynching, the prison industrial complex, the death penalty and 21st century police killings and the ways in which these issues prohibit racial healing in America.

Absalom Jones Center Director Dr. Catherine Meeks will engage with a wide variety of guests on the show, centering the discussion around the crucial topic of racial healing.

Chelsi Glascoe, AUC Campus Missioner, will host. Podcast available for download on Apple, Google, and Spotify.