The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

An Update on COVID-19 Protocols From Bishop Robert C. Wright

by | Mar 10, 2021

Brothers and Sisters, greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It has been almost one year since our worship has moved out of our sanctuaries to online and outdoor expressions.

I write today to announce the addition of an indoor option to our worship.

This announcement comes because COVID cases are declining, hospitalizations due to COVID are decreasing and those receiving vaccinations are increasing.

Based on that data, every congregation may add an in-person indoor worship option effective immediately based on Diocesan protocols and subject to the discretion of your Rector and Vestry.

That said, the danger of COVID-19 still prevents us from gathering for worship in full measure and with full confidence, so we resume worship indoors, honoring spacing protocols and in numbers not to exceed seventy-five persons.

There are a universe of details to be attended to in due course, and I and my staff stand ready to support you as we embark on this transition to the next normal.

But this announcement is not about details. This announcement is about me giving God thanks for our COVID task force, my staff and every priest, deacon and layperson of this Diocese for making the sacrifices that make the love of Jesus and the love of neighbor real.

With all Christian affection,

+Rob Wright