The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Welcome Sally Ulrey

by | Dec 7, 2018

We welcome Sally Ulrey as the newest member of the Bishop’s staff. Sally will be assisting the Canon for Ministry in the day-to-day responsibilities of fostering Congregational Vitality and Ministry Development in the Diocese of Atlanta. Sally enjoys spending time with her husband, Nathan, and two children, Remnant (5) and Jubilee (3). Sally is a cradle Episcopalian, who was called into lay ministry as a teenager in her parish in Florida. She is a summa cum laude graduate from Toccoa Falls College with a degree in Christian Education, concentrating in Youth Ministry and minoring in Counseling Psychology. Sally has 15 years of experience working in parish youth ministry and Christian education, and currently serves as the part-time Director of Formation and Youth Ministry at St. Columba’s in John’s Creek. Sally also has served in various roles in Diocesan youth ministry and writes curriculum for the Diocese, including co-authoring the Diocese’s Dismantling Racism Youth Curriculum, in collaboration with the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing.