The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

160 Confirmed, Received, or Reaffirmed at Diocesan Confirmation

by | Dec 10, 2024

More than 600 gathered on December 8, 2024, at the Cathedral of St. Philip to celebrate 160 people from across The Diocese being confirmed, received, or reaffirmed.

There were 19 parishes from The Diocese of Atlanta’s 120 worshipping communities from across middle and north Georgia represented.

Sally Ulrey, Canon for Congregational Vitality and Ministry Development, said the increase in confirmations, receptions, and reaffirmations from December of 2023 to 2024 shows renewed congregational life in The Diocese.

Canon Ulrey presents those to be confirmed, received, and reaffirmed.

Since December 2023, more than 470 people have been welcomed into The Diocese, received from other Christian traditions, or reaffirmed their ongoing walk with God as Episcopalians.

Bishop Wright thanked God for the congregations and their hard work leading up to the service.

“I am so grateful to my clergy colleagues today who’ve already served this morning and are here to celebrate 160 confirmations, receptions and reaffirmations.

“I am told over 600 are with us this evening. The news of our demise is premature!

“Today, our purpose is to worship God by formalizing what God has been up to in our lives for some time, and that is, by the power of the Holy Spirit working through others and working on us, we come to this moment, a moment that is a response to God’s patient gracious, often subtle, sometimes obvious invitation to be new and to do a new thing.

“The new thing today will come through word and soul, questions and answers, consent and confirmation, prayer and promises, sacraments and strength-taking. For those to be confirmed, you come to make a mature and public affirmation of your faith amidst the faithful. We do this together. For those who are being received, you come home today to The Episcopal Church. For those being reaffirmed, you come to declare that God is trustworthy and that while the church is an imperfect instrument of God’s grace, it still is a functioning vessel of God’s grace.”

Watch the Full Service

Special thanks to those who planned the service and to the choirs from Christ Church, St. Francis, and St. Paul’s in Macon, led by Jonathan Poe.

Bishop Wright with 4 of the 6 ushers that assist group photos after the service.

View Photos from the Service

Don Plummer is the beat reporter for The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. If you have story ideas, please reach out to Don.

“Sharing the heartbeat of the diocese.”

Phone: 770-695-6260
