The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

115th Annual Council In Review

by | Nov 18, 2021

The 115th Annual Council of the Diocese of Atlanta took place online on November 12th and 13th of 2021. The theme was the last part of our Diocesan Purpose Statement, “Growing Spiritually” joined together with the idea of what it means for us as a Diocese to get our second wind.

On Friday, Annual Council started with pre-recorded worship filmed at St. Patrick’s Dunwoody and included youth of the diocese and choir members from St. Patrick’s and St. Edward’s.

During the general session, Sally Ulrey, Missioner for Congregational Vitality, gave the Vitality Report of the diocese. It touched on many stories of Good News of the diocese and how parishes continue to adapt and thrive in the face of immense challenges.

Bishop Wright addressed The 115th Annual Council to talk about the ways in which we have responded collectively to the challenges of the last twelve months and ways we can continue to be faithful going forward.

Saturday began with Youth Led Worship, and a brief address from Carter Sessions, a young person of the diocese who worships at The Cathedral of St. Philip. Holle Tubbs, the new Youth Missioner of the Diocese, convened a Q&A with young people of the diocese and Bishop Wright.

The legislative agenda and passing of the 2022 Mission and Ministry Budget followed. Four proposed resolutions were debated, with one resolution being tabled (C21-1). Each of the other proposed Resolutions, (R21-1, R21-2, R21-3) were adopted. The 2022 budget was passed without discussion.

Annual Council concluded with special recognitions and expressions of gratitude from Bishop Wright. Bonnie Burgess was presented with a Diocesan crest for her twelve years of service to the Diocese as the Canon for Finance and Administration. Ten thousand dollars will be given in her name to the Wright House Foundation. Learn more about the Wright House and the foundation here:

Finally, a special video entitled “Encouragement” was shown reminding the delegates of our Diocesean Purpose Statement and the resilience that is our inheritance as followers of Jesus Christ. The 116th Annual Council will convene at Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School on November 11th and 12th of 2022.

For all video highlights of The 115th Annual Council, watch the YouTube Playlist.