From Our Canon Chaplain
A New and Radically Different Creation
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus are an enfleshed WORD of God – a WORD that declares a new and radically different Creation.
Haste Ye Back
On September 15th, – God and Delta willing – I shall be leaving for my own long delayed return visit to the Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney in the Scottish Episcopal Church.
How to Be a Happy Minister Without Really Trying
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Last month I used this letter to pay tribute to one of the people who had a major influence on my formation and eventual decision to become a priest – my High School English teacher. This time I want to do the same for my first Rector –...
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
Dear Friends and Colleagues, Recently I re-read a book I had obtained a year ago. Pilgrim Souls by Mary MacIver, the widow of my high school English Teacher, Hector MacIver. The book was published in 1990 as an autobiographical tribute to her late husband who had died...
Make Me an Instrument of Your Salvation
“…make me an instrument of your salvation for the people entrusted to my care, and grant that I may faithfully administer your holy Sacraments, and by my life and teaching set forth your true and living Word.” BCP page 563 Dear Friends and Colleagues, As most of you...