The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Jul 30, 2021

“You are to testify because you have been with me from the beginning.” A beautiful fact is on display in this simple sentence. Just as the disciples were with Jesus from the beginning of his ministry, so Jesus has been with us from our beginning. God in God’s genius and perseverance has been with us from our beginnings. Even from the beginnings that gave birth to our beginnings, we are being accompanied by God. To be dressed up in flesh is to be clothed in grace and mercy. From this life, through death, to life again, this is our testimony.

John 15:27
This For Faith was originally published on November 1, 2019

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


“Debes testificar porque has estado conmigo desde el principio”. En esta simple oración se muestra un hecho hermoso. Así como los discípulos estuvieron con Jesús desde el comienzo de su ministerio, Jesús ha estado con nosotros desde nuestro comienzo. Dios en el genio de Dios y la perseverancia han estado con nosotros desde nuestros inicios. Incluso desde los comienzos que dieron origen a nuestros comienzos, estamos siendo acompañados por Dios. Estar vestido de carne es vestirse de gracia y misericordia. Desde esta vida, pasando por la muerte, hasta la vida nuevamente, este es nuestro testimonio.

Juan 15:27
Este For Faith fue publicado originalmente en Noviembre 1, 2019