For Faith

The Bible treats us to a story of a woman with faith-agency. Faith-agency is the perfect balance between weekend praying and weekday doing.

Next time someone asks you how’s your family doing, don’t say, fine. Say, …ripe for reversal!

God is still looking for flesh and blood witnesses in the real world. When last did you see God move? When last did you hear from God?

When we find God’s kingdom in small things, we are like the merchant finding a small pearl of great value, filled with joy and satisfaction as our search for God’s work progresses.

Climbing Higher
In this current climate when our “freedom” is so tested, the spiritual and Biblical passage remind us of God’s faithfulness to our freedom now and future generations.

Are we speaking words of life? Are our words helping bring us closer the kingdom? Speak God’s words of life today to self and others. They don’t return empty.

Divine Diversity
Catching up to divine diversity might mean a change in tone; celebrating instead of condemning, listening instead of talking, noticing instead of turning away.

If a God is disclosed who is free to come and go, the freedom God will surface in the brickyards and manifest itself as justice and compassion.

Jeremiah knew mature love demands that we love enough to see things as they are and to give voice to those things as a part of the work of redemption.

Celebrate your advanced age. And let your later years of faith be greater than your former years. Let your faith be old as in mature, seasoned, persuaded and abiding.