For Faith

If God can create all the worlds, certainly God can hold together God’s first things and God’s newest things. And if God can do that, then God must be weeping for the Jewish and Palestinian people, for Israel and Gaza.

The order we share is not meant to oppress but to help maximize wisdom and joy and minimize pain and grief. Love is a system of order.

The Jesus-produced ouch isn’t about shame or guilt, not at all. Jesus’ love, delivered through story, is interested in truth; truth that dances on our lips and is proved by how we live.

Spiritual maturity has an answer for the question, “is God among us?, even when God’s timeline challenges us. It would’ve been great that day if someone in the crowd would have blurted out, ‘If God was able to defeat an empire, surely God can provide bread and water!’

Sometimes even rocks that refuse God’s opening acts. Ironic, considering the thirst-quenching won’t come until the rock opens. God can refresh us in ways that will astound us if we will let God’s gracious acts open us.

The Bible doesn’t give us a sense of Joseph’s interior journey to this moment. We just know in that moment he directed his pain to use his power for restoration and not a recitation of injuries. For Joseph, the matter was settled.

God says to this, “I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn back from your evil ways….” God takes pleasure in the weight loss of new obedience- In the gravity-defying switch.

This weekend we honor laborers. Those whose efforts produce fruit that benefit us all. Seems like a good time also to define labor for those who follow Jesus.

Moses is raised in the house that slave labor built only to return as an adult to tear the whole system down. Empire can’t build anything that can withstand love’s eventual tear down.

The Bible treats us to a story of a woman with faith-agency. Faith-agency is the perfect balance between weekend praying and weekday doing.