The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Oct 25, 2024

Jesus was not a Christian! And, many he encountered and blessed were not observant Jews. Still Jesus knows faith when he sees and hears it. Bartimaeus, a blind, roadside beggar called out to Jesus. And, he kept calling out despite being ordered to be quiet by the crowd. There is a holy elasticity in Jesus’ way to present the mind and heart of God to us. A godly elasticity that wants to grow in us. An elasticity that we can call “mercy.” That’s what Bartimaeus wanted from Jesus, “mercy.” God’s mercy can’t be contained or expressed adequately by any one religious tradition or system. Ironically, this blind man was asking Jesus to see beyond his status and see his need.

Mark 10:46-52

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


¡Jesús no era cristiano! Y, muchos a los que encontró y bendijo no eran judíos practicantes. Instantaneamente Jesús conoce la fé cuando la ve y la oye. Bartimeo, un mendigo ciego y callejero llamó a Jesús. Y, siguió gritando a pesar de recibir la orden de callarse por la multitud. Hay una elasticidad santa en el camino de Jesús para presentarnos la mente y el corazón de Dios. Una elasticidad piadosa que quiere crecer en nosotros. Una elasticidad que podemos llamar «misericordia». Eso es lo que Bartimeo quería de Jesús, «misericordia». La misericordia de Dios no puede ser contenida o expresada adecuadamente por ninguna tradición o sistema religioso. Irónicamente, este ciego le estaba pidiendo a Jesús que viera más allá de su estatus y viera su necesidad.

Marcos 10: 46-52