Jesus of Nazareth was dispatched to us by God as God because loves the world. Because of that act, Jesus is peerless when it comes to name recognition. From the beginning, groups have used Jesus’ name with little allegiance to his Name. I call them Jesus but Not Jesus clubs! Jesus but Not Jesus clubs (JBNJC) can be churches or Christian associations but will bear little resemblance to the founder of the movement. The physical structures where they gather might bear Jesus’ likeness or a Cross, but reliance in his words, his financial priorities, his conflict resolution strategies and his obsession with well-being of neighbor is curiously diluted or absent. All organized expressions of Jesus’ followers fall short because individually we are sinners and we fall short. Just read the Apostle Paul’s letter to the infant churches if you have doubts. But beyond that, Jesus but Not Jesus clubs get faithlessly obsessed with their own survival, relevance and market share more than faithfulness to Jesus the Christ. This is accelerated by the co-mingling of nationalism, race, class, ageism, political partisanship and self-importance with Jesus’ gospel. Those elements find synergy with old fashioned good intentions and the “social-reward” phenomena, to which clergy and lay people in authority are especially susceptible. So then, wittingly or unwittingly, we make the religious consumer first and the Risen Christ second in his own home and at events allegedly in his honor. But take heart. Just as the darkness of midnight, knows it can’t match the brilliance of noon, now is the time to let your light shine! Now is the time to respond to the underserved gift of Jesus with a resolute faith born of deep gratitude. A faith that elevates the Creator and subordinates geography, politics, race and class to the well-being of the human family. Jesus didn’t come to condemn any, but to save all! What deserves marvel and sincere worship is Jesus’ commitment and ability to slip past locked doors and locked hearts to offer an un-expiring invitation even to the Jesus Not Jesus clubs.