The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Apr 10, 2020

Good Friday is about God deciding to be God in a very particular way. God doesn’t use God’s Almighty-ness to rescue Jesus from fearful clergy, betraying friends, cruel soldiers or even the lynching tree. Rather than rescue and spare, God more often shows up in and goes through situations with God’s people. Through indignity. Through infirmity. Through death. Let us be reintroduced to the “in” and “through” God.” When we renew our vows to live as baptized people, we respond at each invitation, “I will with God’s help.” Maybe this Friday take some time to reflect on exactly how this God prefers to help. Always along side. Always going through with us. Preferring faith over certainty. Always exerting Almighty-ness as quiet and as intriguing as a whisper.

“Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful.”

Hebrews 10:23

Introducing “For People with Bishop Rob Wright”

Listen to conversations focused on the intersection of life and faith in Bishop’s new podcast.


El Viernes Santo se trata de que Dios decide ser Dios de una manera muy particular. Dios no usa todo su poder para rescatar a Jesús del clero temeroso, traicionar amigos, soldados crueles o incluso el árbol de linchamiento. En lugar de rescatar y perdonar, Dios aparece y pasa por situaciones con el pueblo de Dios. A través de la indignidad. A través de la enfermedad. A través de la muerte. Seamos reintroducidos en el “en” y “a través de” Dios. Cuando renovamos nuestros votos para vivir como personas bautizadas, respondemos a cada invitación: “Lo haré con la ayuda de Dios.” Tal vez este Viernes toma un tiempo para reflexionar sobre cómo este Dios prefiere ayudar. Siempre al lado. Siempre pasando por nosotros. Prefiriendo la fe sobre la certeza. Siempre ejerciendo todo su poder tan silencioso e intrigante como un susurro.

“Mantengamos firme la esperanza que profesamos, porque fiel es el que hizo la promesa.”

Hebreos 10:23