The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Jul 26, 2024

Many times in our life we think that our hands are too small for the mission. That we have no expertise that can help us move the mountains. And it is in those moments that we must open our eyes to the reality that, if we put the little that we are in the hands of the Lord, He can multiply our gifts for the good of His people. On each of the occasions that Jesus manifested his power, he always worked with us to bring his miracles to life. Only two loaves of bread and five fish were enough to feed a crowd, the humble gift of a child who gave all he had for the good of his community. For what is given with love is pleasing in the eyes of God and he will multiply the fruits of your hands no matter how small you think they are. Do not be afraid to give the gifts that God gave you and put them in service for the good of his people.

John 6:1-14

Marycelis Otero, Candidate for the Holy Orders of Priesthood
Holy Innocents’, Sandy Springs

For People with Bishop Rob Wright

The podcast expands on Bishop’s For Faith devotional, drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus to answer 21st-century questions.


Muchas veces en nuestra vida pensamos que nuestras manos son muy pequeñas para la misión. Que no tenemos conocimientos especializados que nos puedan ayudar a mover las montañas. Y es en esos momentos en los que debemos abrir nuestros ojos a la realidad de que, si ponemos lo poco que somos en las manos del Señor, Él puede multiplicar nuestros dones para el bien de su pueblo. En cada una de las ocasiones que Jesús manifestó su poder, siempre trabajó en conjunto con nosotros para que sus milagros tomaran vida. Solo con dos panes y cinco peces fueron suficientes para alimentar a una multitud, el humilde regalo de un niño que dio todo lo que tenía para el bien de su comunidad, porque lo que es dado con amor, es agradable ante los ojos de Dios y el multiplicara los frutos de tus manos no importa lo pequeño que pienses que sea. No tengas miedo a entregar los dones que Dios te dio y ponerlos al servicio para el bien de su pueblo.

Juan 6:1-14

Marycelis Otero, Candidata a Ordenes Sagradas del Sacerdocio
Parroquia Holy Innocents, Sandy Springs GA