By the time you read this, our Country will have chosen a President…maybe. It’s a sacred responsibility to be able to participate in making a choice like that. In choosing we give voice to our values, our priorities, and our allegiances. In choosing, we commit our energies and aptitudes. It’s no wonder then that Joshua, Moses’ successor, gathered the tribes of Israel and asked them to make a choice. “Choose this day,” he said, “whom you will serve….” He went further than that, he said, “…as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” His general invitation and his personal declaration were not arbitrarily arrived at. He made his choice based on the character of God and what God had done. His choice factored in God’s faithfulness to his ancestors when they were oppressed and later immigrants. He made his choice based on the fact that God had provided for and protected his people. What Joshua was certain of is that his fledgling nation would utterly fail if it chose to be out of alignment with Almighty God.