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A World House

May 8, 2020

Jesus said, “in my Father’s house there are many dwelling places.” In the face of grief and loss, Jesus does an amazing thing, He chooses to grow, reach and include rather than, shrink, be small and afraid. He chooses to see that we’re all siblings and that God is a big God with a large heart and house. It has taken this pandemic for some of us to finally see what Dr. King referred to as the World House. It has taken this pandemic for some to really appreciate that WuHan and Milan and London and Lawrenceville, Georgia are just different rooms in the same house. And, even when we build walls and fences and avert our eyes, what affects some directly affects all indirectly. My great hope is that when COVID-19 has passed what will remain is our commitment to each other and a World House.

John 14:1-14

Introducing “For People with Bishop Rob Wright”

Listen to conversations focused on the intersection of life and faith in Bishop’s new podcast.

“Una Casa Mundial”

Jesús dijo, “en la casa de mi Padre hay muchas moradas”. Ante el dolor y la pérdida, Jesús hace algo asombroso: elige crecer, alcanzar e incluir en lugar de encogerse, ser pequeño y tener miedo. Él elige ver que todos somos hermanos y que Dios es un Dios grande con un corazón y una casa grande. A algunos de nosotros nos ha costado esta pandemia para finalmente ver a qué se refería el Dr. King con la Casa Mundial. A algunos les ha costado esta pandemia para apreciar realmente que WuHan y Milán y Londres y Lawrenceville, Georgia son habitaciones diferentes en la misma casa. E, incluso cuando construimos muros y cercas y alejamos la mirada, lo que afecta a algunos afecta directamente a todos indirectamente. Mi gran esperanza es que cuando COVID-19 haya pasado lo que quedará será nuestro compromiso mutuo y una Casa Mundial.

Juan 14:1-14