In many parts of the world, the church carries out God’s mission in the midst of war and violence. Join the Global Episcopal Mission Network for an online conference: Missio 2024: Joining God’s Mission in Tension Times. The conference will meet over Zoom from noon to 3 pm EST on March 20, 21, and 22. Speakers include:
- The Most Rev. Samuel Peni, Archbishop of the Internal Province of Western Equatoria in the Church of South Sudan
- The Rev. Jean Berthol Phanord, Bon Samaritan Episcopal Church, Bondeau, Haiti
- The Rt. Rev. Humphrey Sarfaraz Peters, Bishop of Peshawar, Pakistan
- The Rt. Rev. Manuel Ernesto, Bishop of Nampula, Mozambique
- Mr. Buck Blanchard, Stand with Iraqi Christians, American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
- The Rev. Jameel Maher Khader, Rector, Good Shepherd Anglican Episcopal Church, Rafedia, and St. Philip’s Anglican Episcopal Church, Nablus, Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
The conference is free. Donations are invited to support the work of GEMN. Registration and information at gemn.org/2024-conference.