The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


We are God’s harvest made for God’s harvest. God’s people with a heart for God’s people everywhere. The Church was breathed into existence to increase God’s harvest. But, “…laborers are few.” Scarce laborers have caused a backlog of abundance in the world....

Steps to Lead 2017

The weekend of June 2-4, 5 adults and 15 youth representing 12 of our parishes traveled to Isle of Palms for the inaugural Steps to Lead. Steps to Lead is a Youth Leadership Retreat and the newest module of leadership training in the Diocese of Atlanta. The adults...


Following Jesus is to “Go.” We “Go” with Jesus not as naive do good-ers or bleeding hearts. We “Go” because of God’s power revealed to us in Jesus. We “Go therefore.” Because we have seen and tasted, we worship. Having worshipped, we “Go” into the world with an odd,...


Real spirituality is being a real human being. Jesus taught open-arms living not spiritual contortions. Jesus and Spirit guide us to true volition–an invitation to choose God. Really. The positive consequence of choosing God is fear gets overcome with trust, and...


“Ah… the moon belongs to everyone, the best things in life they’re free. Stars belong to everyone, they gleam there for you and for me. The flowers in Spring the robins that sing…the sunbeams that shine, they’re yours and they’re mine. Love can come to...