The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


The story of Moses is really a story of four women. Shiphrah and Puah were midwives that defied the evil decree of Pharaoh and showed us motherhood as advocacy. Though their own children weren’t in harm’s way, they advocated for the safety of all children. Then...


We are “chosen” by God—chosen to understand that faith is more than a function of cognition or will power. Being chosen starts with the heart of God and means God is deliberate with a definite outcome in mind. It means down in a place we can’t explain or control, we...

Ecumenical Prayer Service

April 4, 2018 marked the 50th anniversary of the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. His assassination sent shockwaves reverberating around the world. While his life was cut short, his legacy continues. “Without justice, there can be no peace.” These words are as...


“There is no fear in love,” says the bible.  Which means, Freud is wrong when he says, “…religion is simply an illusion that offers consolation.” Love casts out fear because, “…religiously serious people do not seek and do not find consolation in their faith....

Episcopal Asset Map: New Look and Enhanced Powers

Episcopal Relief and Development has launched a new, improved version of the Asset Map. In addition to collecting information about worshiping communities, schools and ministries of The Episcopal Church, site enhancements empower Episcopalians to better share...