The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Upcoming Youth Retreats

Upcoming Youth Retreats

There are 2 youth retreats taking place at Camp Mikell in March of 2022. DYC, a retreat for middle and high school youth, takes place March 11-13. The retreat is led by the Diocesan Youth Commission and the theme is always centered around loving like Jesus. The...
Campus Ministries Retreat 2022

Campus Ministries Retreat 2022

The Campus Ministries of the Diocese of Atlanta gathered at Camp Mikell for their annual Campus Ministries Retreat the weekend of January 28-30. This was the first time that diocesan campus ministries had been able to gather together since the Covid-19 pandemic began...
Path to Shine | Share the Love 2022

Path to Shine | Share the Love 2022

Path To Shine is a mentoring and tutoring program for elementary school children in North and Middle Georgia. Their purpose is to provide academic and social support to encourage children to thrive in school and build self-confidence to achieve their dreams. Support...

Center for Racial Healing Brave Voices Speaking Series

For the month of February, the Center for Racial Healing is hosting a series called Brave Voices Speaking. There is a challenging situation we find ourselves facing today; we continue to witness people who live in a society that has been stratified along systemic...
The Ordination of The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz

The Ordination of The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz

The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz celebrates his first mass as a priest immediately following his ordination. On January 26, 2022, The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz was ordained into the Sacred Order of the Priesthood at Grace Episcopal Church in Gainesville. The service was well...

A Christmas Message from Bishop Wright

What is the Christmas Spirit? It is to be caught up in the glory of God. God is always about light, and for us, a great light has entered the darkness. This light guides and warms...


Graduation Celebration After over a year of virtual diocesan youth ministry, the Graduation Celebration in May 2021 was our first in-person event back. Graduating seniors, their families, and other members of our diocesan youth community gathered on the labyrinth at...

ECF Grants $84,200 to Fight Poverty and Oppression Locally

On November 23, the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announced four grants to organizations lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants have been made to Crossroads Community Ministries...