The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

New School for Lay Ministry

The Office of Congregational Vitality is pleased to announce the School for Lay Ministry! The Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church charge each diocese to “make provision for the affirmation and development of the ministry of all baptized persons,...

Easter Vigil with Good Shepherd and St. Simon’s

Join Good Shepherd Covington and St. Simon’s Conyers for The Great Vigil of Easter at 6pm ET on April 16, Holy Saturday. Through their partnership with one another and The Offices of Communications of The Diocese of Atlanta, the service was filmed in two...

Join us for Easter

We are The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. We are 117 worshiping communities of The Episcopal Church in Middle and North Georgia that are a part of the Anglican Communion. Our purpose: We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve...
St. Luke’s Choristers in Nashville

St. Luke’s Choristers in Nashville

A group of Junior and Senior Choristers from St. Luke’s Atlanta recently represented the Diocese of Atlanta at the 23rd annual Cathedral Chorister Festival at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, TN between March 25-27. The festival hosted Matthew Owens, Director of...

“Give Me Jesus” Presiding Bishop’s Sermon at House of Bishops

The following is a transcript of the sermon of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church, meeting in retreat at Camp Allen, Navasota, Texas, through March 21. These remarks have been lightly edited for clarity. In the name of our...

Church of the Resurrection Forgives $2,650,000 in Medical Debt

The worldwide COVID pandemic these last two years has altered the way we live in so many different ways. Last summer, as infection numbers declined, so did overall moral and attendance numbers as parishioners gently returned to in-person worship. The clergy and vestry...