The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre
Thank You

Thank You

It was his grandmother’s faith and hands that inspired him, he said. Probably his salt of the earth upbringing in Slab Fork West, Virginia too. Whatever it was, I thank God for his soulful poetry that sang Jesus’ vision of neighborliness into our souls. His words sure...


“And so, we are fortunate this year to proclaim an Easter that stands on the shoulders of two thousand Easters. Knowing that each Easter past was a defiant response to the two thousand years of Good Fridays we’ve suffered. Each Easter supplied by the inexhaustible...


Good Friday is about God deciding to be God in a very particular way. God doesn’t use God’s Almighty-ness to rescue Jesus from fearful clergy, betraying friends, cruel soldiers or even the lynching tree. Rather than rescue and spare, God more often shows up in...


Before Jesus asked his friends to find a donkey to lead his poor peoples palm branch parade, he stood at an intersection. It’s the same intersection we find ourselves at now. This intersection has four corners and each corner has a name: faith, fear, trust and...


Do you know the story about Ezekiel and the dry bones? The Spirit of God showed Ezekiel a vast valley full of dry bones. Then God asked Ezekiel if he thought the bones could live. Ezekiel answers as we would, “Only you know God.” But God told Ezekiel to speak life to...


By definition a virus infects and brings disease. You could say then, Covid-19 is an enemy! Psalm 23 has a word for us when confronted by an enemy. The poem reminds us that, “…in the presence of an enemy a table is set for us.” The presence of an enemy is not...


Yes, all around us there’s anxiety. Yes, concerns are legitimate. Yes, the market is down and meetings are being cancelled all around. Yes, even how we do church is being disrupted. Yes, there’s still a lot we don’t know. What we do know is that a spirit of panic is...


“Life is not what you see, but what you’ve projected. It’s not what you’ve felt, but what you’ve decided. It’s not what you’ve experienced, but how you’ve remembered it. It’s not what you have forged, but what you’ve allowed. And it’s not who’s appeared, but who...


Lent is a gift, it’s 40 days where we without shame or guilt can identify, confess and abandon ideas and habits that frustrate God, injure us and our neighbors. One behavior we must abandon is the Death Penalty. We must confess that we chose ignorance, indifference or...
Going Wrong

Going Wrong

Jesus’ teachings can sound outrageous! For him, angry words are the same as murder; a lustful heart is the same as committing adultery. Divorce can be legal cover for selfishness and the practice of hiding our true selves beneath fine sounding words is empty and leads...