God’s nearness demands a response. Not like a command or rude insistence but like being prompted by an undeniable truth like real friendship, forgiveness, and love.
God’s nearness demands a response. Not like a command or rude insistence but like being prompted by an undeniable truth like real friendship, forgiveness, and love.
This Thanksgiving as we gather at table, let us celebrate with a defiant joy that our God enfleshed in the person of Jesus Christ is bigger than any dilemma that seeks to undo us. “Oh give thanks to the Lord, for God’s mercy endures forever.” Happy Thanksgiving Day.
When we talk we say, I know what the financial market says about this moment and I know what the news says about this moment, still, but what does God say is possible in this moment?’ That question keeps us attuned to God in the moment.
To each generation the invitation goes out not to simply pass time, kill time or consume moments but to attune ourselves to what God is doing in the moment and then join God with all that we are and all that we have.
Here comes Jesus with his big heart, clear words, and refusal to retreat from us. “Love enemies” he says, “Bless those who curse you. Fill the beggar’s cup. Give the shirt off your back.”
The grumblers hope to entomb us in our past mistakes and misdeeds. Jesus hopes to enshrine us in the gift of new life.
There is a great humbling that comes with putting ourselves at the center. It’s about right-ness… the rightful occupant of the center is God.
What is amazing about God and God’s approach to wrestling with us is God is never trying to contort us into something other than ourselves.
When Jesus’ earthly time ended, God’s love continued and continues uniquely and powerfully as Spirit… a companion and a multiplier of good in the real world.
“Increase our faith,” is what Jesus’ friends requested of him. A daring request don’t you think? Especially, given what they’d seen of Jesus’ faith life!