If we will be “attentive” to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ like “a lamp shining in a dark place…,” then we will find our way through the myths and deceptions of this world, back to ourselves, and the truth of the glory of God.
If we will be “attentive” to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ like “a lamp shining in a dark place…,” then we will find our way through the myths and deceptions of this world, back to ourselves, and the truth of the glory of God.
Jesus has prescribed that while we aren’t guaranteed full restoration with a brother or sister, when we commit ourselves to the ministry of reconciliation, we demonstrate the love of God.
In theory, there should be a direct line between length of church membership and depth of Christian maturity but in reality, that has not been my experience. Christian maturity is understood as: having a vibrant relationship with God as Lord and friend, and a proficiency with the practices and tools of the faith.
God’s blessing helps to locate us, confirm us, energize us and even offer us coordinates back to blessing when we stray. Blessing is experienced as a reason to hope, communicated by a reliable source based on an ultimate truth.
Jesus redeems John and the good he was doing before his arrest by turning lament into life. Injustice will be with us as long as there is humanity, the question is will we let it have the last word?
In celebration of and thanksgiving for the life and ministry of The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., I thought I would try and distill a couple of reasons he gave for us to stay steadfastly hopeful.
We believe in a light that gives direction, clarity and warmth. A light that gives courage, comfort and enlarges community. A light that cannot be extinguished by religious calcification, political egocentrism or judicial dereliction.
He came to us, half man half God. Welcomed by all creation but we could not find room for him at the inn. On his father’s side, he was a descendant of Jewish royalty. On his mother’s side, no pedigree at all.
Believers and Non-Believers, Look heavenward and speak the word aloud. Peace. We look at our world and speak the word aloud. Peace. We look at each other, then into ourselves, And we say without shyness or apology or hesitation.
At her crossroad, Mary remembered her God is a promise keeper. Now, she can accept and acclaim that God’s purpose for her life is the highest purpose for her life.