The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Celebrating Juneteenth Through the Diocese and Beyond

On the Sunday afternoon before Juneteenth, the nave of St. Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church was filled with joyful sound. The musical celebration of freedom included the parish choir, solos, spoken word, piano, drum, saxophone, and of course the parish’s beloved Rosales organ.

Dr. Catherine Meeks: A Lifetime of Working for Racial Healing

Founding Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Episcopal Center for Racial Healing Dr. Catherine Meeks keeps a busy travel schedule educating audiences worldwide on the best practices for healing racial divides. Now Dr. Meeks is racking up more travel miles receiving honorary degrees, awards, and recognitions for her decades of work.

Two New Hispanic Congregations Launched

New Episcopal Hispanic congregations in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta held their first services the last weekend of April. The gatherings were “a dream come true,” said Diocese of Atlanta Missioner for Hispanic Ministries The Rev. Irma Nohemi Guerra.