Beloved | Julie’ Story
Julie’s story is one of walking alongside families disproportionately impacted by the systemic problems of our society.
Julie’s story is one of walking alongside families disproportionately impacted by the systemic problems of our society.
Marycelis’ story of being known as Beloved is one of leaving her home in Puerto Rico to come to the mainland. And in that time she would face many things including domestic abuse and homelessness. But during that time, Marycelis had faith God would see her through and make a rainbow out of her storm. God did. This is her Beloved story.
Chuck’s story of being known as beloved starts with a small church in North Georgia that eventually drove him away from the church for decades. It is a story that shows what happens when we want to make a big table for all of God’s beloved.
Chuck’s story of being known as beloved starts with a small church in North Georgia that eventually drove him away from the church for decades. It is a story that shows what happens when we want to make a big table for all of God’s beloved.