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A Season of Rediscovery

by | Apr 7, 2020

‘ A season of rediscovery….. “O God of Peace, you have taught us that in returning and rest we shall be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be our strength…… lift us we pray you to your presence where we may be still and know that you are God…..” BCP 832’

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am becoming aware in this time of ‘distancing’ that I have never as fully understood the meaning of ‘self direction’ as I can now.

When I reflect on my normal daily activity I realize that almost all of it is directed by external circumstances, demands, responsibilities and even relationships. In the present situation I am rediscovering (perhaps discovering for the first time) the way in which ‘self direction ‘ can and should work.

The word ‘rediscovering’ is key in all this. Rediscovering how to be alone without being lonely. Rediscovering the significance of time that is not always about going somewhere or doing something. Rediscovering how conversation with myself can be creative and productive. Rediscovering how rest and sleep can truly refresh and not merely provide ‘recovery.’

Perhaps one of the greatest rediscoveries is the meaning of ‘catholic’ (universal) when describing the Church.

Last Sunday I ‘attended’ church in numerous places both within our diocese and in Scotland. I shared liturgy with parishes in which I have served and where I have grown up. I had a profound sense of belonging to this world-wide and colorful community we call the Anglican Communion – but more significantly – the Body of Christ.

I have rediscovered the broader meaning of ‘sacrament’ as an ‘outward and VISIBLE sign of an inward and spiritual grace.’ VISIBLE made possible by the technological marvel of our online and media connections.

Perhaps one of the richest rediscoveries is the Book of Common Prayer which is so much more than a manual for public worship containing, as it does, prayer, liturgy and scripture for all the times and days of our lives.

I am immensely grateful to so many of you for providing such a rich treasury of online resources for worship, reflection and intercession. I have shared mid-day prayer with Amanda, Compline with Liz, meditation with Stuart, a Vestry meeting with Edwin, the Bishop’s PODcast ‘For People’ – to name only a few.

Thank you and God’s blessings.

My number is 404 402 7599 –

I am open,

From The Rev. Canon John Bolton

Canon Chaplain for Clergy
(404) 402-7599