The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Canon 41


Resolved, that the Canons of the Diocese of Atlanta be amended to add as Canon 41 the following:

Pursuant to Canon 1.7.3 of the Canons of the Episcopal Church, the following regulations are prescribed by this Diocese:

(a) A vestry or other body of the Parish authorized to hold, manage, or administer real property (“Church Real Property”) for a Parish, Mission, Congregation or Institution (“Authorized Body”), may, without the necessity of obtaining further approval of the Bishop or Standing Committee of the Diocese, encumber or alienate Church Real Property or a part thereof, only as follows:

1. Granting another person or entity a right to use Church Real Property for a period of less than 12 months when that grant is revocable, without cause shown, notice or penalty;
2. Renting or otherwise granting permission for use of Church Real Property for a total of
seven or less days in any one calendar year, limited to single year grants; or
3. Granting permission to charitable or other not-for-profit entities to use Church Real Property, other than the principal worship space, for no more than one day per week, provided that the Authorized Body retains the unrestricted right to cancel such permission without penalty on no more than 30 days’ notice.

(b) Any other encumbrance or alienation of part or all of Church Real Property shall require the written consent of the Bishop and Standing Committee, but the Bishop or Standing Committee may delegate the authority to grant such consent to the Bishop of Atlanta or the Canon to the Ordinary under the following circumstances:

1. Where the encumbrance or alienation is for a maximum of one year;
2. Where residential or commercial property of the Parish is being rented for a maximum
of three years; or
3. For construction and installation of utilities.

Nothing herein shall be construed to limit the general oversight of a parish by the Bishop of Atlanta or other ecclesiastical authority or to restrict the authority of the Bishop or other ecclesiastical authority to provide pastoral direction to a parish regarding its use of its property.

Any written consent required by Canon 1.7.3 or this Canon may be provided by electronic means.