Canon 32 – Of the Duties of the Wardens
Section 1.
There shall be two Wardens in each Parish, who shall always be confirmed communicants in good standing and members of the Vestry and who shall be distinguished as Senior and Junior, although all duties belong equally to both; for every duty which may be assigned to one Warden devolves, in absence or disability, on the other.
Section 2.
The Wardens shall see that the Church is duly provided with a standard Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments and other books commonly called Apocrypha, and Prayer Books of proper size and of standard editions, for the lectern, prayer desk and Altar. It shall be their duty to provide fair linen and the elements of bread and wine meet for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, and all vessels, vestments and things necessary to the conduct of public worship, including those persons necessary to lead such worship.
Section 3.
The Wardens shall provide a Parish Register and all necessary record and registration books and, if there be no Rector, Vicar or Cleric in charge, they shall:
(a). Make or cause to be made all registrations required by the Canons of the Church or of the Diocese; and
(b). Issue and receive certificates of memberships for members moving from the Parish to another congregation of this or another Church; and
(c). Cause to be made the Annual Parish Report; and
(d). Cause to be done by the Vestry any duty which may be required by any present or future Canon of the Church or the Diocese.
Section 4.
The Wardens, under the direction of the Rector or Vicar, shall have a care that the church building be kept from all secular or other uses not authorized by or especially named in the Constitution and Canons and that at all times it be kept in good repair and clean, as becometh the house of God, and that the premises around be in proper order.
Section 5.
It is the duty of the Wardens, under the direction of the Rector or the Vicar, to preserve order and decorum in and around the church building on all occasions.
Section 6.
In case of vacancy or impending vacancy of a Rector or Vicar in a Parish, the Wardens shall immediately notify and consult with the Bishop on measures to be taken. Upon election of a Rector, the Wardens shall sign and send to the Bishop written notice of such election.