Canon 2 – Of the Officers of the Diocese
Section 1.
The Chancellor:
(a). The Chancellor of the Diocese shall be elected annually by the Diocesan Council upon nomination by the Bishop, but in the event of a vacancy occurring in the office, a successor may be appointed by the Bishop, to serve until the next following Council. The Chancellor shall be a lay person learned in the law and must be a confirmed communicant of the Church in this Diocese.
(b). The Chancellor shall be the legal advisor and consultant of the Bishop. Upon the request of any official of the Diocese, or of any corporation, board or committee operating under the authority of the Diocese or the Diocesan Council, the Chancellor shall furnish a written opinion upon any question of law, together with the Chancellor’s recommendation in the premises. It shall be the Chancellor’s duty to submit at each Diocesan Council a written report covering the Chancellor’s performance of duty in the preceding twelve months.
(c). The Chancellor shall be entitled to be reimbursed for all expenses incurred in the performance of the Chancellor’s duty and in attendance upon the Council.
(d). The Bishop may, in the Bishop’s discretion, and from time to time, nominate to Council Deputy Chancellors, of like qualifications to that of the Chancellor, to be elected by the Council to serve until the next Annual Meeting of Council.
Section 2.
The Registrar:
The Registrar of the Diocese shall be elected annually at the Diocesan Council upon nomination by the Bishop, but in the event of a vacancy occurring in the office, a successor may be appointed by the Bishop to serve until the next following Council. The Registrar must be a confirmed communicant in the Church of this Diocese.
(a). The Registrar shall be the sole custodian and depository of:
(1). All Journals of Council of the Diocese of Atlanta, and of the Diocese of Georgia before 1907, and all Journals of the General Conventions;
(2). All deeds and other evidences of ownership, regardless of the name or names in which title has been acquired, to real or personal property owned by the Bishop or by any authority of the Diocese and by every dormant Parish, Mission, School or by any Camp or other subdivision of and under the Diocese;
(3). Copies of histories and other documents of historical interest pertaining to every Parish and Mission in the Diocese;
(4). All past minute books and reports of every corporation, board or committee operating under the authority of the Diocese or the Diocesan Council, except such as have been or may hereafter be published in the Journals; and
(5). All other documents and records necessary to preserve an accurate history of the Diocese. For the preservation and care of all such records, the Registrar shall be furnished with such adequate and sufficient fire-proof safes, vaults, and storage space as approved by the Finance Department. It shall be the Registrar’s duty to submit at each Diocesan Council a written report covering the Registrar’s performance of duty in the preceding twelve months.
(b). The Registrar shall be entitled to be reimbursed for expenses incurred in the performance of the Registrar’s duty and in attendance upon the Council.
Section 3.
The Secretary:
The Secretary shall be elected annually by the Council upon nomination of the Bishop. The Secretary shall also be the Secretary of Council and shall keep a correct record of its proceedings, which record shall be signed by the presiding officer within thirty (30) days after the final adjournment of the Council, and to be filed in the Bishop’s office. The Secretary shall perform all the duties required of the Secretary under the Canons of the General Convention and all others usually appertaining to the office of Secretary or that may be required of the Secretary by the Council.
Section 4.
The Treasurer:
The Treasurer shall be elected annually by the Council upon nomination of the Bishop; the Treasurer’s duty shall be to collect and hold all funds as provided for in the Canons and as derived from assessments and apportionments and otherwise, and to disburse the same according to the budgets approved by Council. The Finance Department, with the advice of the Treasurer, shall employ a qualified accountant or bookkeeper to assist the Treasurer in keeping full and complete financial records and in the preparation of reports. The compensation of such accountant or bookkeeper shall be fixed by the Finance Department.
(a). The Treasurer shall make such reports as may be provided by Canon.
(b). The Treasurer and accountant or bookkeeper shall be bonded in such amount and under such terms and conditions as the Finance Department may prescribe, not less than ten thousand dollars, with corporate surety to be approved by the Finance Department.
(c). All funds shall be deposited in such banks as the Finance Department may direct in the name of the Diocese, and checks thereon drawn by the Treasurer and countersigned, if so provided by the Finance Department, by such persons as the Finance Department may designate.
(d). Vacancies in the office of Treasurer, by death, resignation, or otherwise, occurring between regular sessions of the Council, shall be filled by the Finance Department on nomination by the Ecclesiastical Authority.