The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

Canon 10 – Of the Trustees of The University of the South

Section 1.

The Bishop shall nominate candidates and the Annual Council shall elect one presbyter and two lay communicants of the Diocese of Atlanta to be Trustees of the University of the South for three year, staggered terms. The order of nominations and elections shall follow the order in effect at the time of adoption of this canon. The proposed Trustees shall meet the following criteria:

(a)    Trustees shall be personally committed to the aims and purposes of the University as set forth in its Mission Statement and Constitution, Ordinances and other governing documents.

(b)   Each Trustee shall demonstrate his or her personal commitment to the University by, among other things, attending the Board of Trustees annual meeting, such other special meetings as may be called, and one orientation session for new Trustees, which sessions are held immediately prior to each annual meeting.  Trustees shall also familiarize themselves with the Trustee Handbook and the University’s governing documents, including its Charter, as amended, Constitution and Ordinances.

(c)    Trustees shall serve as direct communicators between the University and the Diocese from which the Trustee was elected, and shall timely inform that Diocese of the actions of the Boards of Trustees and Regents and the University administration.

(d)   Trustees shall provide a meaningful level of annual financial support to the University as a symbol of their commitment to its mission and financial well-being.

Section 2.

In the event a Trustee becomes unwilling or unable to serve, the Bishop shall appoint a qualified lay communicant or presbyter, as appropriate, to complete the remainder of the term.

Section 3.

A Trustee may be elected to no more than four consecutive terms, after which, one year must elapse before that Trustee is eligible for election.

Section 4.

Trustees shall report annually to the Diocesan Council on conditions and affairs of the University of the South.