Canon 1 – Of the Council of the Diocese
Section 1.
The Bishop, or in the absence of the Bishop, the Bishop Coadjutor or Suffragan Bishop or the priest selected by the Standing Committee shall, in the order named, call the clergy and Delegates to order, and direct the Secretary to determine and announce if a quorum is present. A quorum being present, the Bishop, Bishop Coadjutor, or Suffragan Bishop shall act as President; in their absence the Council may proceed to elect a President pro tempore.
Section 2.
(a). A list of the Clergy entitled to seats in the Council shall be furnished the Secretary by the Ecclesiastical Authority of the Diocese.
(b). Lay representation:
(1). The Secretary of the Council, not later than six months before its annual meeting, shall advise each Parish and Aided Parish of the number of Lay Delegates and Alternate Lay Delegates to which it is entitled by the Constitution of the Diocese
(2) Each year, the Annual Parish Meeting or the Wardens and Vestry of each Parish or Aided Parish shall elect the number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates to which the Parish or Aided Parish is entitled by the Constitution of the Diocese. Following the election the Rector, Vicar, Priest in Charge or the Wardens shall register the Lay Delegates and pay any registration fees in the matter and at the time stated by the Secretary and the Department of Annual Council. Registration shall serve as certification that the persons so elected shall represent the Parish or Aided Parish in the next Annual Council of the Diocese and at all special and called meetings thereafter until the following Annual Council, and that all the named lay persons are confirmed communicants of the Church in good standing.
(3) Nonparochial Lay Delegates and Alternate Lay Delegates authorized by the Constitution of the Diocese shall be registered in the same manner and serve the same term as those from Parishes and Aided Parishes.
(4). When a worshipping community as defined in Section 2.(b). of Article 2 of the Constitution of the Diocese of Atlanta desires to be represented at a Diocesan Council, it shall submit a request, by the date set by the Department of Annual Council prior to the Diocesan Council at which representation is desired, to the Ecclesiastical Authority. The request shall be signed by the clerical members of the community and by at least three lay members of the community. Upon approval by the Ecclesiastical Authority, the request shall be submitted to the Diocesan Council. The Council shall act upon the request. Upon approval by the Council, the Lay Delegate shall be seated immediately thereafter for the duration of the Council. Each Worshipping Community as defined in Section 2.(b). of Article 2 of the Constitution of the Diocese of Atlanta desiring Council representation may elect, in such manner as it determines, one (1) Lay Delegate and one (1) Alternate Lay Delegate.
(5). A vacancy in the delegation of the Parish may be filled by appointment made by the Rector or Vicar, with the concurrence of the other Delegates from the Parish who are present, and if there be no elected Delegates or Alternate Delegates present, by an appointment made by the Rector or Vicar.
(6). Notice or communication required by this canon may be: in person; by telephone, fax, email or other form of wire or wireless communcation; or by mail or private carrier.
Section 3.
Upon registration with the Secretary of Council, each of the following persons not a member of the Council shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Council except the right to vote: Standing Committee members, officers of the Diocese, Chairs of Diocesan Departments, Commissions and Task Forces, Executive Board members, clergy not canonically resident in the Diocese who are licensed to officiate in the Diocese and are performing ordained ministries in a Parish or Aided Parish, and Diocesan staff members.
Section 4.
Attendance: It is declared the duty of every person entitled to a seat in the Council to attend every meeting thereof.