The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre

New Life

The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta is experiencing new life through new ministries, confirmations, and ordination.

‘New’ Tradition Spreads Throughout Diocese

‘New’ Tradition Spreads Throughout Diocese

Christ Church in Norcross also celebrated Our Lady of Guadalupe with a bilingual service with Mariachis. Rev. Guerra, who pastors the Hispanic congregations at St. Bede’s and Christ Church, said Our Lady of Guadalupe is a symbol of religion and national pride to the people of Mexico.

The 117th Annual Council Recap

Three years after the COVID-19 outbreak disrupted everyone’s  life the people of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta have emerged stronger, more adaptive, and more able to confront epic changes brought by the pandemic.

Ministry Innovations Taskforce to End After 10 Years

After more than a decade of envisioning, supporting, and seeding innovative ministries, The Diocese of Atlanta’s Ministry Innovations Taskforce will be ending its work. An official announcement of the change is expected during The Diocese’s 117th Annual Council which convenes Nov. 10-11, 2023, at The Cathedral of St. Philip.

Clergy Conference 2023

Clergy Conference 2023

Bishop Rob Wright introduced the new approach to the 125 clergy attending. Instead of following the format of prior gatherings – learning from inspiring speakers from around the world – this conference would focus on the gifts and needs of clergy.