Aug 23, 2019 | Uncategorized
The good news of God in Christ is that there is life abundantly available. God, being merciful to us, wants us to know God’s complete joy. Sure, you can be a believer and be happy, if that’s all you want to be. But joy is the inheritance of the disciple. So, Jesus...
Aug 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
The National Weekly Ecumenical Radio Program produced by the Alliance for Christian Media The Rev. Dr. Simon Mainwaring, rector at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, will be the featured preacher Sept. 15 on “Day 1” with host Peter Wallace, the nationally broadcast...
Aug 20, 2019 | Uncategorized
Episcopal Priest Joseph Shippen, Board Chair for Georgians For Alternatives to the Death Penalty (GFAPD), will host the Mary Ruth Weir Dinner, GFADP’s annual fundraiser, at Central Presbyterian Church. “Working to end the death penalty is not easy and there are...
Aug 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
In response to recent mass shootings in Brooklyn, New York; Southaven, Mississippi; Gilroy, California; El Paso, Texas; and Dayton, Ohio, political and religious leaders have released statements. Of course, statements are fine, even necessary. “Thoughts and Prayers...
Aug 13, 2019 | Uncategorized
The imaginations of the true laborers belong to God. They have seen God do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine, and so they trust. They trust that God, as the still point of the circle, is drawing the circle of harvest wider and wider and they want in! Laborers...