Bishop Candidates Announced in the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida
Canon C. John Thompson-Quartey, our own Canon for Ministry Development and Congregational Vitality, is a finalist in the Bishop Coadjutor search for the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. God willing, “Walkabouts” with candidates will begin in Spring 2022 with...
The Ordination of The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz
The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz celebrates his first mass as a priest immediately following his ordination. On January 26, 2022, The Rev. Edgar Otero Ruiz was ordained into the Sacred Order of the Priesthood at Grace Episcopal Church in Gainesville. The service was well...A Christmas Message from Bishop Wright
What is the Christmas Spirit? It is to be caught up in the glory of God. God is always about light, and for us, a great light has entered the darkness. This light guides and warms...EYCDIOATL 2021
Graduation Celebration After over a year of virtual diocesan youth ministry, the Graduation Celebration in May 2021 was our first in-person event back. Graduating seniors, their families, and other members of our diocesan youth community gathered on the labyrinth at...ECF Grants $84,200 to Fight Poverty and Oppression Locally
On November 23, the Episcopal Community Foundation for Middle and North Georgia (ECF) announced four grants to organizations lifting people from poverty and oppression in the Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. The grants have been made to Crossroads Community Ministries...Episcopal and Lutheran bishops in Georgia respond to the verdict in the McMichaels-Bryan trial
A joint statement Bishop Frank Logue of the Diocese of Georgia, Bishop Strickland of the ELCA Southeastern Synod, and our own Bishop Rob Wright on the McMichaels-Bryan Trial. The jury charged with handing down a verdict in the case of three men accused of murder for...