Easter Message 2022 | You Can’t Kill God
…The outrageous fact of Easter, you can’t kill God! Easter throws her arms around us and whispers God is not dead, God is still alive!…” -Bishop Rob...Easter Vigil with Good Shepherd and St. Simon’s
Join Good Shepherd Covington and St. Simon’s Conyers for The Great Vigil of Easter at 6pm ET on April 16, Holy Saturday. Through their partnership with one another and The Offices of Communications of The Diocese of Atlanta, the service was filmed in two...Join us for Easter
We are The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta. We are 117 worshiping communities of The Episcopal Church in Middle and North Georgia that are a part of the Anglican Communion. Our purpose: We challenge ourselves and the world to love like Jesus as we worship joyfully, serve...
St. Luke’s Choristers in Nashville
A group of Junior and Senior Choristers from St. Luke’s Atlanta recently represented the Diocese of Atlanta at the 23rd annual Cathedral Chorister Festival at Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, TN between March 25-27. The festival hosted Matthew Owens, Director of...
Say Their Names | Prayer and Remembrance Service for Dr. Martin Luther King , Jr. and All Martyrs for Civil and Human Rights
April 4th is a day that is etched in the national consciousness as the day that Martin Luther King, Jr. was senselessly murdered in Memphis, Tenn. The Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing invites you to join us as we remember Dr. King’s and all martyrs’...
“Looking Back to Go Forward” Bishop Wright’s Sermon at Ebenezer’s 136th Anniversary
The following is a transcript of the sermon of Bishop Rob Wright at Ebenezer Baptist Church on March 20 for their 136th Anniversary. Greetings to you in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And I bring greetings also from your brothers and sisters in the Episcopal...