2022 Graduation Celebration
View the Photos On May 22, 2022, young people from across the diocese gathered at St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Buckhead for the annual Graduation Celebration, a worship service that has taken place for the last six years. Arabella Brown, a youth from St. James...Garden Blessing at St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany
The blessing on Rogation Sunday of a new community garden at St. Mary and St. Martha of Bethany was equal parts of liturgy, picnic, plant sale, and sales pitch. The Rev. Laura Masterson and her congregants processed at the end on the Sunday service from the Nave,...Beloved | Shereetha’s Story
See All Beloved Stories » To be beloved, is to be loved unconditionally by God. It is both knowing and receiving God. It is openness to the Spirit’s work, which leads to incredible stories worth telling. Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from...Bishop Wright: Loves Jesus, People,… and Cars
Have you ever met a Bishop who has an awesome collection of really cool cars? You have if you’ve ever met Bishop Wright! Bishop Wright shows car enthusiasts that loving great, classic cars is not at odds with being a leader in the Christian faith. “Some of...Camp Mikell Summer Camp 2022 Announcement
Camp Mikell is excited to announce that they will be able to offer a summer program this year and are opening registration. Just like every summer, the safety of the campers, counselors, and staff is the first priority. The staff of Camp Mikell are confident in their...Honest to God: Love Thy Neighbor: Building Stronger Communities
In the second Honest to God program for 2022, David Brooks, founder of Weave: The Social Fabric Project, and Dr. Catherine Meeks, Executive Director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing, take a deep dive into the importance of local relationships amid global...Youth Worship Night
The Office of Communications in partnership with the Office of Youth Ministry is excited to share a new worship experience with young people. Record live at Camp Mikell in March at a winter youth retreat, they recorded five songs to share with the world. It’s...