The Logo of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta - Purple Crest with Bishop's Mitre


Covenant with God is receiving the benefit of God’s promises. It’s also keeping our promises to God. Our promises to God become flesh when they drive our real-world choices. But faithfulness has a high price, so we attempt a bait and switch. We substitute faithfulness...


If you and I are immersed in a love that has no borders, limitations or litmus tests, then we have all we need to go to places that appear loveless. We walk in love so, we can walk into rooms rife with political rancor. We are ambassadors for Christ. And while we may...


“Do justice, love kindness, walk humbly with God.” This is the good God has shown us. Looking for a concise personal creed? Here it is. Three action points approved by God. Small enough for a tattoo, big enough to guide your life, family, business, our nation and the...


Today is Inauguration Day. It’s a day to begin again our work as a democracy. Some are in despair today, others are elated. But, let the baptized remember, Jesus of Nazareth came to inaugurate an unconditional policy of love for your neighbor. His platform was to...

The Beginning

“Let us be Christian in all of our actions. But I want to tell you this evening that it is not enough for us to talk about love, love is one of the pivotal points of the Christian faith. There is another side called justice. And justice is really love in calculation....


We hold steady in the face of anxiety and the velocity of life. There’s a three-part recipe for that. It’s 1 part purpose, 1 part differentiation, 1 part spiritual maturity. Jesus’ purpose was to bring glory to God. Everyday, a little more glory for God. He was...


Christmas is a heart-to-heart plea to have a heart. It’s God attempting to reach past our defended hearts, our polite hostility and our convenient ignorance. The news of the baby comes first to the poor people living outdoors because all they had was heart. The news...

Christmas Heart

Christmas is a heart to heart thing. At Christmas we see God’s heart — God loved the world so much he gave a son. God could have sent an army, but God sent a baby. God knows logic and reason only go so far. If only logic and reason were necessary, there’d...


Some call the ups and downs, frights, tension, disappointments and uncertainties of life drama. Some pray for an end to the drama of life. Some spend a life running from drama. Some think the presence of drama means God is absent. Not me. The Christmas story is full...


Peace talk sounds absurd to many in our country and state right now. Hope for and explanation of Gospel Peace is absurd to some and inexplicable for others. Nevertheless, we know a peace that “…passes all understanding.” Inexplicable peace is not impossible peace! Or,...